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Privacy Policy

Personal data handling policy


"RACERS Behind the Helmet by MC Films" is conscious of the importance of guaranteeing the safety of the confidential information that comes into its possession when a user visits its web site. As MC Films' objective is to safeguard the personal data of its users, it wishes to advise you of the methods employed to handle information and the manner in which it ensures the security and confidentiality of such data.


Data Controller

The Data Controller is MC Films, with registered office in via dei Marmi 11, 10090 Romano Canavese, Italy.


Data handled

Personal data: Any information related to a physical person, identified or identifiable, also indirectly, through reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.


Identification details: The personal data which allows direct identification of the person concerned (for example name, surname, date of birth, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc...).


Navigation data: During normal operation the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire some personal data, the transmission of which, is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated with the identified persons concerned, but owing to their nature, through processing and associations with data held by third parties, could enables users to be identified. IP addresses also fall into this category or the domain names of the computers used by users that connect to the site, etc.


Data provided voluntarily by users: The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site and/or filling in data collection forms, involves the subsequent acquisition of the address of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data inserted.



At MC Films the handling of personal data of its users is done in compliance with EU Regulation regarding the protection of personal data, 2016/679 of 27th April 2016. It must be noted that as a result of their normal functioning, current computer technology and the related software procedures used for the operation of Internet sites acquire certain personal information. The transmission of this data is necessary in order to use the communication protocols via Internet. MC Films guarantees that the said information is and will only be used to obtain anonymous statistical information relating to the use of the site and in order to monitor that the site is operating correctly. It further guarantees that the same information will be immediately cancelled after processing or after a maximum period of 5 years. The only exception will be the discovery of computer crimes that cause damage to the site: in this case the information obtained may be used to ascertain who is responsible for such crimes.


Data collection

The personal information that is collected may be transferred or communicated to other subsidiary or associated companies of MC Films for activities that are strictly connected and instrumental to the functioning of the service provided to customers. The personal information furnished by the users through a request for information or press materials is and will only be used for the purposes of providing the service or fulfilling the request made. This information will not be communicated nor disseminated to third parties without the express consent of the interested parties. Finally, it should be noted that within the scope of their duties and in their capacity as "Managers" or "Appointees", the following persons may gain knowledge of personal information: Chief Editor and Website Administrators. In terms of art. 7 of the "Privacy Code", users are at any time entitled to obtain confirmation as to whether or not their personal information exists and to be advised as to the contents and origin thereof. Users are also entitled to check the correctness of the information or to request that it be supplemented, updated or deleted.


Safety measures

MC Films has adopted all the security measures provided in art. 32 of the European Regulation 2016/679 for handling personal data. In compliance with the legislative provisions, such personal data will only be handled for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected and will be cancelled after their processing or after a maximum period of 5 years.


Rights of the persons concerned

The persons to which the personal data refers have the right at any time to exercise their rights included in articles 16, 17, 18 and 19 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and which provide for: access, amendment, updating, adding, cancelling, limiting and opposing the handling of the same data. Requests should be made via e-mail to the following address: . Furthermore the persons concerned, when they consider it appropriate with regards to the handling of their data by MC Films have the right to lodge a complaint to the guarantor Authority of the protection of their personal data.



This document provides information about the use of cookies and similar technology on this website, their purpose and the way users can restrict or block cookies.


1. What are cookies


Cookies are small text files sent by a server to the user's device when they access a website page. Cookies enable the web server to save information that it will use during the same visit (session cookies) or during subsequent visits (persistent cookies). Cookies facilitate the website navigation, they allow storage of pages visited and other specific information, such as pages viewed more frequently, connection errors, etc. Cookies are stored, based on the user's preferences, by the individual browser on the specific used device (computer, tablet, smartphone). Browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari etc.) are often set to automatically accept cookies. However, users can change the default setting in order to disable or delete cookies, with the consequence that the optimal use of some areas of the site may be prevented. During navigation, users may also receive on their terminal cookies from other website (so called "third party" cookies), directly set up by the controllers of the websites and used for the purpose and in the manner defined by them.



2. Cookie types


Based on the characteristics and use of cookies, we can define the following categories:


a) Technical cookies: they are necessary for navigation on a website and use of its functions, such as for proper viewing or access to restricted areas. Therefore disabling this type of cookies prevents such activities.

They are not used for other purposes and can be subdivided into:

• navigation or session cookies, which ensure normal navigation and use of the website;

• functionality cookies, which enable user navigation according to a set of selected criteria (e.g. language).


b) Performance cookies: they gather information on the efficiency of the responses of a website to anonymous users' requests, with the only purpose of improving the website functions; for example, what pages are most frequently visited by the user, and if there were errors or delays in the delivery of web pages.


c) Targeting cookies: these are used to create user profiles and to offer users advertisings that are close to their interests, discovered during web navigation.





3. Third-party cookies


When users are visiting our website, they could receive on their device cookies set by other organizations (third party cookies): this occurs because the site may contain elements such as images, maps, and specific links to website pages or web services. For information transparency, we are listing below the third party services present on our website, the purpose and links to the information pages of the various services:


The website uses Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service supplied by Google, Inc. (“Google”). This service gathers statistical data that allow us to improve the users' experience of our website. Google Analytics uses "cookies" to gather and analyse information relating to the users' method of interaction with the website in an aggregated form (for example most visited pages, visitors' geographic origin, etc.). Google stores the information gathered on their servers in the United States. The data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google as indicated in their Privacy Information through the following link:

To read the Privacy Information of Google Inc., independent controller of data related to the Google Analytics service, see the website:

Users can opt out of Google Analytics by installing on their browser an additional opt-out tool supplied by Google:


4. Cookie management


Users can decide whether to accept or reject cookies using their browser settings. The following links take you to the information pages of the main browsers:


• Chrome:

• Firefox: http://

• Internet Explorer:

• Safari: http://


Keep in mind that if you choose to block cookies, this could affect or prevent the website functions.



5. Other information


For more information on the use of cookies and on how to block them, you can visit the following websites:



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