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Brand-new "Team Driverse" kicks off in style with ADAC GT4 program

Newly-founded "Team Driverse" aims to lead the diversity and inclusion race in motorsport: with Charlie Martin and Sandra van der Sloot as its top drivers line-up the ADAC GT4, the new disruptive outfit brings talent to the forefront.

Photo credits: Frozenspeed

"If you want to promote diversity, you have to live it." reads the team statement.

And the newly-founded Team Driverse is indeed living up to its name, as it aims to break boundaries in motorsport by opening new paths for people with the most diverse backgrounds and gender identities.

Team Driverse is the extra step in the direction of diversity and inclusion in a sport that is finally becoming more receptive. With more and more talented women in a still heavily male dominated world, Team Driverse further sets the bar in terms of opportunities for professionals based solely on competence and commitment, with special attention to women in STEM roles.

Nicole Kösters the mind behind the project and a leading woman in the industry with experience in drivers and series' management has been working on the concept for a long time and managed to put together an incredible amount of talent, both behind the wheel and behind the scenes.

"I am happy that we can finally present our project to the public. We have been working on it in the background for a long time and now we finally had our first rollout in Hockenheim. It went very well and I am confident that we will have a successful season." – commented Kösters. "Surely, as a new team, we also have a lot to learn, but with the great support of Sorg Rennsport, I'm sure we'll succeed."

The team is in fact run with the support of BMW Team Sorg Rennsport, that will oversee the operation thanks to its wide experience of German motorsport.

"We are very happy to have such a competent partner as Sorg Rennsport for this project, who will support us with all their experience, advice and action." added the founder/team principal.

Photo credits: Frozenspeed

Team Driverse is getting ready for its debut in the 2021 ADAC GT4 championship and will line up a top driver duo sharing driving duties in the BMW M4 GT4: British racer Charlie Martin and experienced Dutchwoman Sandra van der Sloot.

Charlie Martin – a real LGBTQ icon in motorsport and ambassador of the Racing Pride project – made history in 2020 when she became the first transgender racing driver at the ADAC TOTAL 24h Nürburgring, which she finished in fourth position in class.

Martin has been competing in European hillclimbs, Le Mans Cup, NLS and Britcar and thus takes on the ADAC GT4 program with confidence.

"I am proud to be a part of Team Driverse as I think it is important to show that the motorsport world also welcomes people from different backgrounds with open arms." – said Charlie. "I believe that by doing this we can show that women can also be successful in motorsport and I hope that we will motivate more women to pursue a career in motorsport. It's a great feeling to be part of a team that has the same values as me."

Surely no less experienced is her teammate: Sandra van der Sloot brings a total of five national championship titles and three class victories at the 24H of Dubai. Having most recently raced in the Creventic 24H series in BMW machinery, Sandra joins the project with high hopes for the upcoming season.

But the ambition of Team Driverse doesn't stop here: if the project inaugural racing commitments will be in the competitive German GT4 championship, the outfit is already targeting to extend its presence at continental level, potentially in the European GT4 Series at a later date – to bring its values and role models to an even larger audience, as well as keep building on its diverse pool of talents.

"Not despite, but because", as the team states.

Photo credits: Frozenspeed

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