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  • Writer's pictureVIVIEN STREBELOW

Double Victory for Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky in Porsche Sprint Challenge Scandinavia

With two pole positions and a double victory at Gelleråsen, Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky returned to Porsche Sprint Cup Scandinavia in style, at only her second guest appearance in the series. In difficult weather conditions, the Swedish star showed again what she can do in any race car she gets to drive.

Photo by Porsche Sprint Challenge Scandinavia

At her latest race event at Anderstorp, Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky wrote history and became the first female driver in the Porsche Sprint Cup Scandinavia – as well as the first woman to win a race in the series, as she impressed everyone at her GT4 debut. At Gelleråsen, Åhlin-Kottulinsky rejoined the grid for a second guest appearance – and smashed the competition with a perfect weekend. Mikaela (Porsche Experience Racing) had struggled in qualifying in her previous weekend – and improving that became her main goal at Gelleråsen. Needless to say, Åhlin-Kottulinsky mastered it. With an awesome performance, she snatched pole position for both races on Saturday, to lead the pack into the first corner. Kenneth Ahnelöv (Race Team Gelleråsen - By AFR) qualified for both races in second place and would try to challenge the Swede in the races. Race 1 saw a clean start for Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky, ahead of Ahnelöv who tried to close in and attempt a move, but wasn't able to do so even when he had a slightly faster pace. Åhlin-Kottulinsky defended her lead in those more critical stages and kept position, as Ahnelöv had to watch his mirrors from William Siverholm (Stenhaga Motorsport) who would eventually get past for the second spot. The race was interrupted by a safety car when Jonas Sjöstrom (Fragus Motorsport) and Fredric Blank made contact and both retired from the race. Blank was later penalized with a five place grid drop for race 2, as he missed his braking point and took out Sjörström. After the restart, Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky built a gap and won race 1 ahead of Siverholm and Ahnelöv. Race 2 had a similar outcome for the star of the show: like in the previous heat, she led from pole, was a bit under pressure in the opening laps from Krister Andero (Prido Racing) – who had a great start from third. It was then an uneventful race behind, with Siverholm taking the chequered flag in third place – extending his championship lead with two good point-scoring finishes – behind Åhlin-Kottulinsky and Andero. "As there will be no more championship entries for me, it was great fun to finish like this." – said Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky after another impressive weekend in the Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport Competition. The Swede will be back for the next Extreme E round at the Copper XPrix, from 24th to 25th September, where she aims to defend her championship lead together with teammate Johan Kristoffersson – present at Gelleråsen to support Mikaela throughout her racing weekend.

Photo by Porsche Sprint Challenge Scandinavia

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